Saturday, September 29, 2018

I just can't sew anymore

I hope everyone is having a better day than mine.  Started out this morning waking up to find my laptop had gone berserk and I needed to buy a new one.  All of my patterns for my embroidery machine are on there so I'm praying they are able to retrieve them.  I have about two hundred patterns so we're talking quite a bit of money.  Off i went to  Best buy which I hate and bought a new HP.  Here's hoping that John is able to retrieve everything because my old one kept coming up with the message that I had no mother board.  Great beginning right?

So I came home and decided to do some finishing work and I couldn't sew a straight line to save  my life.  Don't look too close please because it's embarrassing how crooked they are.

.....and since laptop died, I'm using my kindle to post this and it seems to take forever to upload pictures.

I do have some good news to report.  Peyton has discovered a support group for her trigeminal neuralgia and one of the hospitals here in Orlando is having two guest doctors speak on Wednesday evening and we are both going to it.  October 4th is Trigeminal  Neurogia Awareness Day and I just wanted everyone to be aware  of this disease and how it effects people's lives.  There is my grand daughter with two little boys who can't kiss her or she them because of the extreme pains she feels.  I can't imagine anything worse than not being able to kiss your babies.  The color ribbon for this disease is teal if you are interested.

Until next time, many Blessings upon you and yours, Barbara


marly said...

I've lost everything twice, even though I know that backing up would prevent that. So this laptop, the third one .... well, I haven't backed it up either. Guess it takes me a long time to learn a lesson.

Marilyn said...

Oh, I love that finish, love the fabric & colors.
I hope John can retrieve your designs, what a heartbreak.
Positive thoughts for Peyton, I hope she gets a lot of info from the doctors.
Take care.

Vickie said...

What a beautiful finish Barbara. I sure hope Peyton learns many, many helpful things!

Barb said...

Computers can be so very frustrating. Ours is being very fussy so maybe I should take a good look at what we need to save! I love your liberty girl. The lines look just fine to me.

Pam in IL said...

Awesome finish! Sorry that you have had to deal with computer problems. Why is technology so frustrating? Good luck with the new laptop.

Robin in Virginia said...

Sorry about the computer woes, Barbara! What fabulous news for Peyton and the support group. I hope the guest speakers are able to answer questions and perhaps help/assistance. Your finish is fabulous; way to go!

diamondc said...

I hope Peyton finds relief.
I hope you are able to recover all your files.
We The People is a sweet finish.


Bethan said...

Fingers crossed John is able to recover your patterns! I hope the support group helps Peyton x