Well here it is friday again and I'm jumping for joy because hubby had off from work today and we got all the yard work finished. Hooray!!! Do you know what that means???? I will have plenty of stitching time this weekend with no interruptions. I received the next part of Carol's SAL and I'm working on that now. I'll post of picture after Carol does her magic to the pic so it can't be enlarged. I just love how it's turning out and I'm starting to look around for the finishing fabric. I want something floral but not overwhelming. I'm not sure but I think that gives me a good reason to go to the Sewing Studio again. LOL As if I needed one.

The above is a shawl I saw on Ravelry this morning and when I went to download the pattern, I found out it was in a book that I could purchase for my Kindle from Amazon. Apparently, they are doing alot more of your knitting and crocheting books for the Kindle and I love it. No more having to print off the pattern....just pull it up on the Kindle and use it right from there. This book won't be available until October 11 so I do have some time to work on other things.
The above is something I want to make for myself. It's done out of fingering weight wool and I have a beautiful plum and burgundy that will look stunning in this design. Where they have the contrast, I'm going to use a kid mohair I have that matches the plum in the yarn beautifully.
The above little sweater is made from 100% cotton and it's going to be for Peyton. Pink is definitely not her color so I bought it in a stunning dark teal color which is one of her best colors to wear. I don't think this will take too long to make....there are no seams that I can find and it's done all in one piece. This will be a Christmas present so I can't wait too long to start it.
I'm a hopeless bag nut!!! I have so many tote bags that I don't think I could count them all and here I am going to make another one. I love the orange color that they used but I had to settle for a dark tan. I haven't decided what color I'm going to use for the lining but just about anything will go with tan. Maybe something with a print to it....autumn colors come to mind.
Well that's all for right now. I will post a picture of things once I get them started and my next giveaway will start on October 1st so check back. It's going to have a little bit of Halloween....which seems to be very popular this year for stitchers for some reason.....and a smidgeon of autumn. Everyone have a great stitchey weekend!!!
UPDATE: The little sweater I had planned for Peyton....well the cotton yarn I purchased which is what the pattern called for is absolutely HORRIBLE!!! It is so stiff I can hardly crochet with it. I'm thinking it would be just as horrible to wear so that one is being put on the back burner. Then I started the cape for myself....let's just say that pattern is the worst pattern I have ever tried and I've been crocheting since I was about 8 years old. I believe that pattern will be put to the back of the drawer never to see daylight again. I will use that great wool yarn I bought for it for something else. Off to try something different.....again. LOL
Blessings as always,