What is going on this year with the snow? Friends and relatives in Pa. received about 9 inches of snow and we are having mornings down here in Florida in the 40's. That's just not right! We always called the last snow of the season the onion snow......that's a lot of onions!
I have two finishes to share with you. The first one is Wooleminia by Plum Street Samplers. When I first pulled the colors I was not thrilled with them. I love peaches but I'm not a peachie color person. I was sooooo wrong. I don't think I could of chosen any better colors than they did. The fabric that it's lying on is what I'm going to use for the finishing.....I just have to make up my mind how to finish it. I have a round frame but the opening is too large so I thought of making a mat using the fabric. We'll let it stew for a few days then decide.
The next one is called Daffodils by Jeannette Douglas but as you can see I changed them. I really don't like yellow so they are now lilacs. It will be made into a little pincushion using the fabric it's lying on. This pattern is in my store if your interested.
Now for the question of the day. I've always thought that the linen Primitive Hare dyes with the words very interesting so when my LNS picked up some at the Nashville Market I just couldn't resist. But my problem now is "What Do I Stitch On It?" The patterns that she has done on it really aren't my style so now I have a quandary as to what to stitch on them. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to share them with me. I purchased a fat quarter so I have enough for a large design.

Tomorrow we get the results of my hubbies Ct Scan and I'm very anxious to hear what they say. I've got this funny feeling that they are not going to be able to do anything and they have now destroyed his eyesight about the same way as his hearing....by just ignoring it. I don't know if I told the story about how he lost his hearing but it was quite simple. He was in the hospital for other reasons and he kept telling them that he was having a lot of trouble hearing and that it was getting worse. Not one doctor did a dang thing and now here he is 13 years later totally deaf. I think his eyesight will probably go the same way. We'll complain and no doctor will do anything. Do you hate doctors as much as I do? I have found only 1 doctor who really cares about my hubby and his problems and that is Dr. Henry Levin, Gastrologist. He is the only one that takes the time to talk to him and even though DH is deaf, Dr. Levin makes sure he understands what he is saying to him. The rest just talk to me and mostly ignore DH. But they sure to talk when it's time to be paid, don't they!
I had a nice surprise last week. My dear Grand daughter, Grand Son In Law, Hubby and the two little rascals took me out to dinner for my birthday. I prefer to call them Anniversaries of my birth. Sounds better doesn't it? Then yesterday they surprised me with a Tiffany hanging lamp for our dining room. I've always wanted one but just never seemed to get around it. They found a vintage one and John will rewire it before it gets hung over our dining room table. They are such good kids and I'm very proud of them. I will post a picture once it is hung.
Well that's about all for this week. They just seemed to go faster and faster the older I get and I don't like it. Whatever troubles you are having I hope leave you alone this week.
Blessings, Barbara