Saturday, August 2, 2014

How About Harvey?

I've been working on Gigi and have gotten a little bit of her done but what I'm really enjoying is Spring Hare.....or as I've been calling him....."Harvey".  Do ya'll remember that old black and white movie with Jimmie Stewart where he plays a guy who sees a 6 foot rabbit named Harvey?  Well that's where I"ve gotten the name from.  It's one of my favorite movies and it's probably why this design always appealed to me.  Here's what I have done so far:
Ain't he a handsome feller!

Blessings, Barbara

My Harvey now has legs and a butt.  Now for the background.....I'm not gonna use what La-D-Da called for.....I want something more dramatic.


gracie said...

Hello Harvey....

Lisa V said...

Love it! I am going to be watching with much anticipation as you work on this, as I just love this design.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Love your Harvey and I do remember the of my favorites as well.