Thursday, June 19, 2014

Good news to report.....

DH and I went to the Pulmonary doctor on monday and according to him, it just looks like scar tissue.  He has him scheduled for another CT scan of his lungs in two months to see if there is any change but he doubts there will be.  That started my week off good!
Then I came home and got busy in my sewing room and came up with 5 new project bags.  Here's what they look like:

 Summer Fun
 Teddy Bear
 Tribal Cat
 Springtime Bird

You know where they are if you're interested.  
I haven't been stitching too much lately and I must get back into finishing my Blackbird Christmas design.  I've been knitting and crocheting Christmas gifts for my two sister-in-laws who live in Pa.  I'm making them each cowls that they can wear around their necks and pull up over their heads for hoods.  I love working with yarn....especially natural fibers like wool.  Any knitters or crocheters out there?  What's your favorite yarn to use and what have you done lately.  I thought by cutting back....even stopping.....cross stitching that I would have more time for my other addictions but that's not the way it's been.  I just need more hours in the day or give up sleeping.  

Blessings, Barbara


marly said...

Wonderful news! I'm sure you are both relieved. I have nodules and they did CT scans every six months for three years to check growth.

Erica said...

Wonderful news Barbara!

Vickie said...

Excellent news! God is good!
Great work you have done here.

Cricket-bug Corner said...

Whew! good news! Lovely bags! I like to crochet - don't get to much though.I made some terrible roadkill animals recently - people ask me to make them! I think they are on my blog under finishes this year and last!. My friend's mom made me a cowl that I pull up - love love love it!

Sweet Sue said...

darling bags, thx for sharing the good news, hugs for you and dh, am sure you're all very relieved! wishing you a blissful weekend, be good to yourself.

Annette-California said...

Wonderful news! Thank goodness! Lovely bags. love Annette