Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I would like to share a story with you that means alot to me.  When I was a kid, my Uncle Roy and Aunt Helen lived on a farm that was only about 3 miles from our home.  We visited almost every weekend and I loved them dearly.  One of my favorite memories from my childhood happened there....well I should say 3 of them happened there.  My Aunt Helen churned her own butter and it was so sweet I swear I can still taste it.  She always gave me butter crackers when we visited and I loved them.  The second was my Uncle Roy.  He use to let me sit on his lap and take very small sips from his beer.  I think that's why I like beer even to this day.  The third was my cat Smokey.  Their cat had kittens and me and my younger brother were allowed to bring one home.  Smokey was the runt of the litter and we loved him so much.  I still think of him often.  
By now you are wondering what this has to do with the above picture.  Well when Uncle Roy retired from the farming, they moved into a much smaller home and I stitched this for them as a remembrance.  That was about 40 years ago.  It's a Told In The Garden design and I stitched it over one thread on 28ct natural linen so that it would fit in the frame.  I remember when I gave it to them that Uncle Roy had a funny look on his face.  I asked him what was wrong and his reply was, "but we're not Amish".  :o)
My Uncle Roy passed away about 10 years ago and he was in his 90's and had led a very full like.  This past August 6 I lost my Aunt Helen and she lived to be 102 years old.  She lived in a nursing home for the past few years and she always had this picture on her wall.  Well when she passed on, one of my cousins... her daughter...contacted me and asked if I would like to have the picture back.  Of course I said yes and it is now hanging in my kitchen and it's a sweet reminder of my childhood and my wonderful Uncle Roy and Aunt Helen.   I miss them dearly.


gracie said...

Wonderful story, beautiful stitching and memories to last a lifetime.

Sweet Sue said...

so sorry to learn of your aunt's passing, she and your uncle sound like gentle loving souls. nice that your special gift has come back to you, the gift that keeps giving after all these years:)

cucki said...

So sorry to hear about your aunt passing...
But your uncle and aunt sound like very sweet persons and their farm life so beautiful and smoky so cute.
Such happy memories ..
Stitches piece is so lovely
Love for you x

Vickie said...

What a great story Barbara! Your Aunt and Uncle lived such long, full lives! I love the piece you made them.

Cricket-bug Corner said...

Wonderful story. Love the picture!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Such a sweet story of your beautiful memories. I know you're grateful that the cousin thought to return it for you to cherish!

Catherine said...

What a wonderful story and remembrance! Had to chuckle at the Amish comment!

Babs in Alabama said...

So glad I decided to check in before going to bed. What a sweet story and you had them with you for so long...that is a blessing. Your piece is beautifully stitched and represents what most of us started stitching for 'back then'..a gift of love :)thanks for sharing.

Bernadett said...
