Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Something to share with you and a giveaway
I received an email from my good friend Trina today and she was sharing what she had made for her daughter for Halloween. Aren't these adorable!!!! I love them and how creative!!
I also talked with my oldest brother in Pennsylvania tonite and it seems they are getting ready for the first snow of the season. Well I got to thinking about this and thought.....what a good reason for a giveaway. So we are going to have a little "snow" giveaway. If you'll take notice to my new header, there is a skein of light blue Gloriana silk in it. Well if you post a comment to this entry only, I will enter your name into the drawing to win that skein of silk. If you receive snow before next friday, enter your name again for a second chance. This giveaway is open to followers of my blog only and as always, I will add a surprise to the giveaway but only the winner will know what it is. Good Luck!!
Blessings as always,
First part of a new SAL
The Threadbasket and C Mon Monde together have started a new Christmas SAL and I just finished the first part.
I have decided to stitch mine on 32ct Stoneypoint linen using HDF silks. I truthfully didn't think I would ever get this house finished because you need to finish the part before getting the next part. I really don't have any Christmas pictures and I really fell in love with this one.
Now unto my next project which is going to be Pineberry Lane Anne Lancaster Needle Book and I'm anxious to get my thread and needle into it.
Blessings as always,
Thursday, October 27, 2011
A remembrance of childhood
I woke up this morning to an email from a very sweet friend in Ohio who sent me these beautiful pictures of a covered bridge in her area. When I was growing up, there was one about 2 miles from my home and I always loved it. Thank you so much Trina for this remembrance of my childhood!!!
I've joined another SAL and I will be posting a pic of my progress soon.....I hope. This one is a Christmas one and I'm enjoying it so far.
Blessings as always,
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Some more photos from Marly
I received these from Marly this afternoon so that I could see the difference just a few days made in the colors.
Aren't these trees beautiful!!!!
Just as Marly said, they seem to glow.
We see nothing like this here in Florida.
Don't these make you want to take off for a walk!!!
Thank you Marly for sending these to me.
Blessings as always,
Monday, October 24, 2011
A finish, a SAL and some wonderful Pa. pictures
Good Monday morning to everyone! I woke up to some beautiful pictures in my email and I'll get to them in a minute but first, I have finished Style Quaker by Jardin Prive. This was an absolute fun stitch and it's one of those you're sorry to see end....mostly because of the soft colors she relaxing.
Next up is part 7 of Carol's SAL. This one is coming to a close and I shall miss it. I think it's a great tribute to Carol that I feel that way. I've started other SAL and just haven't enjoyed them near as much as this one and I think it's because of the designers own enthusiasm. I want to thank Carol for all her hard work that she has put into this SAL....I shall miss it.
And now for some wonderful Autumn pictures of Pennsylvania from Marly. Marly made my day with these beautiful pictures of my home state. She really has started my week on a happy note and I thank her from the bottom of my heart. So sit back and enjoy these beautiful pictures of my home state in all it's glory!!!!
I hope your monday starts out as great as mine did.
Blessings as always,
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
New scissors and a must new design
I think I mentioned that my LNS is having a "scissor of the month club" and this month's selection was these adorable black cat scissors. What could be more perfect than that!!!!
From Ink Circles comes this absolutely stunning piece called "Metamorphosis" and I know this one is on my "tobuy" list immediately. Can't you just see the possibilities of colors???? I love it!!!!
And this is what I've been working on. It's from Jardin Prive called Style Quaker and I'm about halfway finished with it.
Are you familiar with Nouveau Encore Designs? You can check them out here. I have her Stitcher's Sampler and I'm thinking about doing this next. I just can't make up my mind on what fabric and in what color. Am I the only one who has this problem? I'm forever thinking about what I should do something in and then changing my mind in the next 5 seconds. Decisions.....decisions.....I hate making them. I'll keep you posted on what I decide.....if I ever do. LOL
Blessings as always,
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Some fall scenes from Colorado
I received some beautiful pictures from Jenn this morning. It looks like autumn has come to Colorado and is painting the scenery with reds and golds.
I can smell the cold crispness in the air saying that winter in all it's might is just around the corner so please enjoy these last colors while you can.
How wonderful it will be for the children to go Trick or Treating in this cooler weather with the leaves falling upon their little heads and crunching beneath their little feet.
She also sent me this picture of the sky with the clouds rolling out and a new set of clouds rolling in. Such beauty cannot be must be shared. I hope you have enjoyed these beautiful pictures of Autumn in Colorado. Please send me some of your little corner of the world so we can all enjoy Mother Nature in all her glory.
Blessings as always,
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Sweet Sue's Pincushion
A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from Sweet Sue asking me to check out a crocheted pincushion pattern that she had found. Well of course I did being me. I really liked how this pincushion was crocheted and put together and I wanted to give it a try so I told Sue that if I finished it, she could have it. Well here it is in all it's glory.......
I crocheted it in a sock weight wool where as the pattern called for a pearl cotton and I think that was my first mistake. She doesn't say how large it was suppose to turn out, but I think mine turned out a little too big. The second thing I changed was a placed a beautiful pearlized button in the center. I think it really needed something, I just wasn't sure what. For anyone who is interested in maybe trying one themselves, you can see it here on Just Carol's blog and she has a link to the pattern. If you do try it, let me know how yours turned out.....I'd really be interested.
Blessings as always,
A new pincushion
First off, I want to express my thank you to all of my lovely followers. I started this blog as a way to get my mojo back (hence the title) and what I have come away with is many friends that otherwise I wouldn't of gotten to know. I love each and every one of you and I give thanks everyday for bringing you into my life.
I came across this filet crochet pattern a few weeks ago and in the back of my mind I knew I would end up doing something with it. Well this is my version. I found the link on Ravelry to the pattern. It was designed by Maria Merlino and here is the page on Ravelry here. I stitched it on a small piece of the Graziano Linen that is natural with burgundy stripes with a new HDF silk that has different values of red in it. I love this color and of course HDF is a dream to work with. This little pincushion has taken up roosting in my store if you are interested in him.
Have you ever started a design that you just couldn't wait to start only to find out once you started lost interest. That's how I've felt about a couple of the designs I have started lately and I'm not sure if it's the design or me. Do I take these off of the frames never to see daylight again or do I keep them in open sight just to taunt me. Decisions.....decisions.....not on wednesday!!!!!
I'm really in the mood to stitch a Mirabilia. I know.....nuts right???? But I think I have found the solution. I have the little Thanksgiving Harvest Fairy so I think I will stitch that and make it either into an ornament or a standup. I've decided I'm going to change the Crescent Colors into DMC or Anchor because I'm really not a big fan of Crescent Colors cottons. I love her silks but that's it. If anyone knows of a good conversion chart for CC to DMC, please let me know. I've looked everywhere and haven't found one yet. What it will probably come down to, is me making my own conversions and praying for the best.
One of my favorite actresses was Elizabeth Taylor and when I saw the Nora had designed this one with Ms. Taylor in mind, well I know I have to stitch it. I also love the Sabrina one which was for Audrey Hepburn....another of my favorites....and my daughter, Jenn, has that one that she says she'll stitch for me. What a great daughter, right????? If anyone has a used Elizabeth they don't need anymore, contact me.

Well that's all for today. I'm off to start a large pot of beef stew for dinner.
Blessings as always,
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
A Memory Box for a wonderful Lady
I received an email from a sweet friend this past weekend telling me that a dear friend of hers had passed away. I never met this woman, but I had heard her story and I wish I had. Please, if you have a moment, say a prayer for her friends and family who are now missing this wonderful lady.
Blessings as always,
Friday, October 7, 2011
A finish and another part of Carol's SAL
I spent some of the day stitching part 6 of Carol's SAL. With each part that I stitch, I fall more in love with this design. While I was stitching it, I watched one of my favorite movies....While You Were Sleeping. If you've never seen this movie, it stars Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman and it's a great romantic comedy. It's worth watching just to see Bill's fantastic hair. :o) So if you've never seen it, I highly recommend it when you're in the mood for some light romantic comedy.
I also finished the pincushion from the month's issue of Gift of Stitching. I stitched it on 28ct. light gray jobelan using a beautiful Gloriana silk called Bellagio. I finished it into a pincushion and I used crushed corn cob for the stuffing. The backing is a pretty green on green and I made the bow out of the same fabric. You'll find this for sale in my store if you are interested. Isn't the acorn adorable!!!! I bought that this past week at Joann's and I'm going to try to reproduce it in cross stitch. I'm not sure if it's doable but I'll let you know either way.
Next on my stretcher is a design by Kathy Schmitz called Pin Skep. I'm also using a Gloriana Florimell Silk Floss and it will be trimmed with Gloriana Silk Ribbon to match. I think it's gonna be a fun stitch and I'll post pics when finished.
I hope everyone has a beautiful weekend and with this being the first week of October, shouldn't the leaves be turning to autumn colors? Please, please if they are where you live, please send me a picture of them!!!
Blessings as always,
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Vallie has had a haircut and made a decision...
Yesterday Vallie had her day at the doggie spa and she looks and feels so much better. It took 3 hours but I think the girl did a marvelous job. She cut her hair down till it's only about 2 inches long on her back and then trimmed her legs, feet and face to match that length. She even had her nails not painted but ground down so they aren't so sharp.
I printed off the names of you ladies who offered your opinion on this and folded them into small pieces. Now you can see above how much trouble this gave Vallie. She just wasn't sure which one to choose. After much prompting on my part.....she just jumped you can see in the picture below.
When it was all said an done, the one she picked was Parsley. I have emailed her to let her know of her winning the little JBW French Country Wreath pattern shown below.
Vallie sometimes falls asleep in the strangest positions as you can see but I'm glad she waited until picking the winner. I hope each and every one of you have a fantastic weekend with lots and lots of stitchie time.
I'm working on a little design that was in the latest issue of GOS. It's a little fall scene in monotone and I think I'll finish it into a needle case or pincushion.
Blessings as always,
Saturday, October 1, 2011
And the winner is.....
I used the number generator (which I wish would let me post the picture on here but won't) and it came up with the number 47. Now if I'm counting correctly this morning that means that Blueladie has won the Halloween Giveaway. I have emailed her to let her know she's won and I want to thank all of you who entered. My next large giveaway will be for Christmas so keep watching for it.
Blessings as always,
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