Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And Just Like That.......

I have a dear sweet friend Thellie, who sent me this birthday card and I just have to share the laughter. "And just like that" is what it says on the outside and inside "you're your mother". This just cracked me up .... and I'm sure there are others out there, of a certain age, who can identify with this picture. LOL
Also, today I received my new treadmill. I have no excuse do I? I've put on some extra pounds since I quit smoking last May and I figured this would be a good way to get in shape....right? Well I jumped on that puppy and got it up to 1.5 mph and I treaded for 10 mins. Whew..... after all that I figured I deserved a reward...right? So I went and had a donut. LOL Think I have the right idea? LOL


Carolyn said...

Pass me the donuts and nobody gets hurt! LOL I love the way you think, girlfriend. :)

Okay, what is wrong with this picture. Cute, sexy shoes and granny drawers? LOL I love it, and you!


Kay said...

Love the card - too funny! When I was in high school I worked in a store that sold "granny pants". Don't remember anyone buying them though...