Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hello Strangers

 Here it is almost the end of September 2024 and I can't believe how long it's been since I posted.  I'm sorry that it's taken me this long to come back but Vallies death really hit me hard.  I had her at the Vet for an exam and they told me her kidneys were failing and she was in pain.  I took her home with me for one more night and my hubby and I loved on her and she was put down the following day.  My grand daughters husband went in with me (my hubby couldn't do it).  I have a beautiful wooden box with her name engraved, her footprint and some of her fur.  

This new one we have is nothing like Vallie.  For one thing she's smaller and nuttier.  She'll be two in January and I hope by then she calms down some.  We named her Dani.  This name comes the show Games of Thrones.  Dani was the to be queen and she had pure white hair.  She was a tiny thing but very strong willed.  Well that suited this dog perfectly.  Here are some pictures of this little rug rat

When we first got her

Her now

She follows me everywhere.  I have no privacy at all and I'm sure you ladies that have a dog or a cat know exactly what I mean.  

I hope all the ladies who use to visit my blog are all healthy and doing well.  I have received some emails from some of you and that made me feel very happy.  I'm sure everyone is still stitching up a storm but unfortunately I am not.  My right arm shakes too bad for me to do any stitching but I am knitting and crocheting instead.  I found a stitching group over in Winter Garden where my grand daughter lives and I donated all my charts to them.  I still have all my linen in boxes with absolutely no idea what to do with them.  The linen is a little bit more expensive than the patterns so I didn't feel right giving them away.  Maybe one day on Etsy.

Also I'm just about in a wheelchair permanently.  I can hardly walk and I'm sick of falling.  So far I haven't broken anything but it's just a matter of time.  I have two walkers and they're not much help.  I also refuse to have any surgeries that everyone says will help.  Not for me!  I remember my Mother went into hospital for hip replacement.  While there she had a heart attack, stroke and caught pneumonia.  She was never the same after that in her mind so I've decided not to take the chance.  I'd rather live my life in a wheelchair than not recognize my family.

I hope all of you have a wonderful week spent with your family, your pets and your hobby.

Many, Many Blessings!



Marilyn said...

Hi Barbara! Good to hear from you.
I'm sorry for your health issues.
Dani is too cute!
Please keep blogging so that we know you are out there.
Take care.

Robin in Virginia said...

Good morning, Barbara! It was so good to see your post. I was thinking about you and wondering how you fared through Helene. I hope you are all okay. Dani is a cutie. Sorry to hear about your health issues. Can't wait to see what you have been crocheting and knitting! Thinking of you.