Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Peyton's Diagnose

Yesterday I went with Peyton to a new doctor, one that deals in facial pain.  He did a CT Scan, read her MRI, did some tests on her and is 100% sure she has what is called Trigeminal Neuralgia.  Basically what this is is the nerves in your face are over acting.  They don't know what causes this and there is no cure.  It's possible for it to go into remission for days, weeks, months or even years but you are never cured.  There is medication that can lessen the symptoms but that's about it.  Peyton loves this doctor for all the time he spent with her to explain everything in great detail and she will be staying with him for her treatment.  Is it life threatening?  No Thank the Lord but she will have to learn how to live with it.  I want to thank you again for all the prayers that were sent on her behalf from the wonderful ladies who stop in to read my blog.  

I've been working on a new project.  This one is by The Scarlet House called "Button Posies" and so far it's been a fun stitch.  The designer called for it to be stitched on an off white fabric but I chose instead to do it on a darker 28ct. Jobelan called "Copper Penny" and use DMC threads.  I like it better on the darker fabric.

Hope the rest of your week is full of fun, laughter and love.

Blessings, Barbara


marly said...

So glad she has answers and a dedicated doctor. Around here we have to wait months to see a new doctor or specialist.

I do like your new stitch and the fabric you chose.

Robin in Virginia said...

Oh Barbara, I am relieved to hear that Peyton has been given answers to what is going on. She will continue to be in my prayers.

I like the darker fabric you chose for your new stitch.

Vickie said...

THIS doctor sounds like an answer to prayer! I am so glad she is receiving genuine help. What a cute new project.

Terri Patillo said...

Thank God she has a diagnosis! Praying the meds will help her. Bless you all.

gracie said...

Thanks for the update for Peyton. I will keep her in my thoughts. Love the project.

Marilyn said...

Glad that Peyton got some answers and that she found a god doctor who took time with her.
I hope she's not too uncomfortable.
Cute new project!
I like the darker fabric.
Take care.