Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Everything happens at one time

What is it about life that you can be going along and nothing happens and then all of a sudden it's like the clouds parted and you are bumbarded with everything once!  That is my life so far this week.
First, DH has an appointment for the Shands Hospital on June 2nd only there's a hitch.  All the tests that the doctors here in Orlando did are too old for the doctors up there so it looks like he's going to have more tests at the Shands Hospital.  Now why didn't the doctors think of that problem here?  I mean....would they accept tests this old before cutting a chest open?  Doctors!!!!!
All of you that have been keeping up with me know about my problem and that I have a doc appt on the 28th of this month.  That's good.  But this morning I received a phone call from my SIL on DH side telling me that my niece who just turned 41 has to have a double mastectomy this coming friday.  I have known this sweet girl since she was born and I doubt if she's ever hurt anyone in her life and now she must deal with this.  My heart just crumbled......and then it comes to mind that I might be dealing with this same thing in about a month or so.  Please add sweet Aleisha to your prayer list and send good thoughts her way.
Now onto stitching.  What was I thinking when I said I could give it up?  LOL  I'm crazy I swear it.  I did keep some of my things that I thought maybe if I get back into it, I might stitch these.  Well here's one of them....
Recognize it?  It's a Blackbird Design called Blessings be Thine that's been hanging around my drawer for years so I started it over the weekend.  It's an easy stitch and I'm going to follow someone elses's way of stitching.
When I worked at Itch to Stitch in Altamonte Springs here in Florida, we had a customer who did things a little differently.  She had no stash of any kind..  She would pick out a pattern and everything to make it and go home and stitch that one design.  She would then throw out everything that had to do with that pattern and start a fresh one.  This might seem like a waste of money but I see what she was doing.  How many times have you started something only to find another one 2 or 3 days later that you love?  You then go out and purchase everything to stitch that one.  On and on this goes until you have so many started that you rarely finish any and you've spent alot of money.  This way she concentrates on the one she is doing and is not sidelined by another one.  When I cleaned out my stash, one of the things I did keep were my beads so those will not have to be purchased again but I won't be keeping any floss.  This design only uses 4 colors so it's a good one to start this on.  I'm not saying that it's not gonna hurt when I start pitching threads and such but any patterns that I stitch will be given away......trashing patterns is just over board I think.
Another piece I'm working on is a cowl for my sweet sister in law up in Pa.  She was so cold this past winter that I decided to make her one of these large enough that she can use it as a cowl but also pull it up over her head for a hood..
I'm using a very soft olive green yarn from Dark Horse Yarns that is very nice and warm to the touch.  It's machine washable and dryable so it won't be any trouble for her to keep clean.  It's a worsted weight and if I have any left over, this will also be given away.  No more keeping odds and ends for years and never using them.
Well that's all for now.  I just finished frosting a chocolate cake for the boys to snack on and I'm thinking I better get a piece before they get home from school or I'll never get one.  LOL
Blessings, Barbara


Anonymous said...

I love that pattern! Blessings be Thine! I would love to purchase it when you are through with it! Thanks, Amy

Vickie said...

Hooray! I was so sad when you said you were done stitching.
I looove chocolate cake. ;)
That is an excellent gift for SIL.

marly said...

So sorry to hear this about your niece. I hope her outcome and recovery is excellent.

gracie said...

I understand perfectly... I think the cowl is lovely...she will really enjoy wearing it. I will be keeping you all in my thoughts...and save me a piece of cake!!!

Cricket-bug Corner said...

Good luck to all of you! Maybe you could put the threads with the pattern when you give it away - or sell it.

Sweet Sue said...

love that cowl... gorgeous, and of course you made sure it was practical too. plz know that your niece, you and hubs will be close in my heart. nice stitchy project:) xo

Annette-California said...

Oh your cake sounds so good right now:) Prayers for you, your hubby and your niece.
Love your BBD start. Gorgeous cowl you made. love Annette

stitchersanon said...

A double masectomy is a big thing, but much better than the alternative. I'm reaching a stage in my life where I'm beginning to think, if I don't need it, get rid of it lol xxx I hope things settle down for you soon. Love the new project. Sometimes it is hard to see where our blessings lie and it can't hurt to see a reminder xxx

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Don't dump your threads!!! Send them to a European stitcher, we spend 90p a skein here in the UK and horde every spare inch LOL. I do try to give away more of my charts unless I think I will stitch then again.

I love the colours you are using in this design, I am very into reds at the moment.

Hope your family's health problems resolve themselves soon.