Sunday, September 8, 2013

I haven't been stitching too much but I did start the new SAL by Nathalie.  You can find it here if you are interested:

I've finished the latest Eugenia option - pinkeep.  The directions are usually pretty good but for this pinkeep I had the dangest time figuring out what they meant.  If it's not done right...oh well.

Then there's this little lady.  She's actually about 7 x 9 and I did her on my embroidery machine.  Since I don't really have time to do anything with her, I'm offering her up for sale in my shop.  She is stitched on a piece of off white linen using Sulky threads.


Bianca said...

The little sheepie looks so sweet :)

Bernadett said...

Wonderful works.:)
I've started the Sal,too.:)