With the date of my father's birthday coming next weekend, my thoughts have turned towards my paternal grandmother. Her name was Anna Grace and she was a treasure. For those who don't know the story, my mother was pregnant with my youngest brother when I was 7 years old. I had two older brothers and my father decided he could not take care of all of us while mom was in the hospital so off I went for a week to Grandmothers. She lived out in the country with no neighbors so what do you do to keep a 7 year old girl entertained....you teach her how to do needlework. In that glorious week, I learned all kinds of wonderous things that I can remember to this day how her hands looked while she was doing all this delicate work. My mother, bless her soul, couldn't thread a needle let alone do any needlework, so over the years my Grandmother, Anna Grace taught me everything I wanted to learn. We never did get around to teaching me how to tat and that I have often regretted over the years.
My daughter, Jenn, knows how to do every kind of needlework I know....she beats me at a lot of things but we won't tell her. Whenever I taught her a new thing, my mind would always go to my grandmother. Funny how just little things will bring back a memory that you hadn't thought about in a long time. She passed away before Jenn was just one year old, so she never got to meet this remarkable woman. The above picture is her when she was in her late teens and I think she is absolutely beautiful. Even when she got older and her hair turned white, she was still beautiful to me. She's one of those blessed people who have a great soul and you never forget that person. Have any of you have someone like that in your life? I certainly hope so because it gives me comfort knowing that she was in mine.
As always, Barbara
How sweet our story is! I always spent a week each summer with my maternal grandparents, who also lived out in the country and Itreasure those times I spent with my grandmother. Although, she could sew, we never got around to that. However, I had so much fun playing dress up with her clothes, shoes and jewelry. Oh what great memories. Thanks for reminding me of them.
You are lucky to get to know your grandma so well, and learn so much from her. One of my grandmothers died before I was born and the other when I was 5. I often wonder what it would have been like had they been around longer. Enjoy your memories!
What a lovely memory to share with us, Barbara. I was lucky enough to have my dear maternal grandmother live in the house right behind ours when I was a teenager. She was always so loving and non-judgmental--just a dear, dear person who loved her grandkids unconditionally. I miss her to this day (and she has been gone 25 years!).
And how lucky you are to have a daughter who shares your love of needlework... With only three sons, I don't get a ton of support for my passion. I think that is why I love the supportive comments I receive on my blog so much!
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