Yep today is Wednesday and for me that means mid week blah. Yesterday I received my package from my daughter and in it was this sweater. Well let me tell you I haven't taken it off since I first put it on....just to sleep was it off my body. I absolutely love it!!! It's white chenille, has really large pockets and buttons, it's nice and long, and has a hood. Did I mention it was soft? It is as soft as a babies bottom. I also received another package from her that a large piece of tan linen, some Carries Silk Threads, the tea posies and some artificial sweetner that she wanted me to try. I love getting boxes....don't you?
Well I've started the Danybrod design and hope to have it finished by week's end. I have the peacock finished now am working on the outline and then the flowers. I don't know whether or not to have a tie fastener or button. I guess it will tell me when I get to that point.
I'm catching a cold....can you believe it? Here I am living in Florida and I'm getting a cold. I woke up this morning with a sore throat so now it's just a matter of time till the rest hits. Right now I feel like a nice hot cup of tea....more later.