I hope everyone has had a good week so far. Here it is Wednesday and I feel I haven't gotten anything done. I was able to start a new cross stitched piece. I'm feeling in the mood for some Blackbird Designs and I picked out "My Pink House". It's a small design which I need because I'm in the mood to finish something fast. Ever get that way? The Cricket design I just finished was on the medium to large size so I'm looking for some fast gratification. Here's what I have done so far....
Last week I came home and found my DH all black and blue from a fall he had taken while I was gone. He was coming in front door and trying not to step on Vallie and she got tangled up in his feet and down he went. He didn't want to go to the ER and he kept saying he had no pain. He's almost back to normal with the bruising but I was very concerned.
Peyton sent us a picture of Zane's first official big boy haircut and he looks just darling...
And here's him and Mommy on the Teacups at the Magic Kingdom last Tuesday. Peyton is so ready to have this baby and the doctor tells her to keep walking so that's what we will be doing tomorrow. Going to the Oviedo Mall and walk. It's good exercise for me as well and it's air conditioned.
I am looking for a pattern. I came across this on Pinterest and couldn't find any info on it. Does anyone recognize this?

For a chuckle....

Have a Blessed day,
Barbara, I think that was a club piece that came out last winter. I believe I have the pattern and will check a to see for sure. I stopped doing the clubs because they cost a bit and I often didn't want to do the project. That is a very pretty design and I am not sure. What a cute photo of Zane and his Mommy. Not such a cute photo of your poor Hubby. So glad he was not badly hurt!
Oh, I hope hubby is ok, he has some nasty bruises.
Zane is too cute.
I bet Little John is getting big too.
Yes, like Barb said, it was a Dyeing to Stitch club piece called Merry Christmas,by Blackbird designs.
It's a beautiful piece.
The piece you are looking for is by Blackbird and was a club kit from Dyeing to Stitch (I think that was the shop). Your current stitch is pretty! What fabric are you using for it? Zane's first big boy haircut is darling. Love the picture of her and Peyton! I was going to ask how Peyton was feeling. Glad to hear your husband is doing better; sorry that he fell!
Your poor hubby! Glad he did not get hurt worse. Lovely stitching.
Oh my. So glad your husband did not break his nose!
I am glad the ladies help you figure out the pattern name.
A PINK house sounds perfect for me!!
Barbara: I have a husband like yours when I was at retreat last year Mike fell had many many bruises did not let me know, I wanted to paddle his little but.
I hope your husband is healing fast.
I love the design you found, I have to sign up for the club designs next year, Dying to Stitch has some amazing clubs.
Zane looks so sweet, what a beautiful face.
I love Blackbird Designs, so lovely.
What a cutie pie!! Hope all goes well for the next birth. And your husband!! My goodness that had to hurt awful!
Love the new piece you're working on, and yes! Sometimes I too need something quick to stitch.
Beautiful grandson there.
plz pass along a hug or two to hubs, looks like he got tangled up in a hockey game...
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