Wednesday, August 7, 2019

And the winner is............


I used the number generator and it came up with the number 5.  I couldn't believe that only 5 people were interested in winning this kit of this design.  I guess not too many people like Cross Eyed Cricket designs or else they didn't like the idea of me writing "copy" across the top of it.  I feel I'm okay in giving this away since I didn't pay for it and I'm receiving nothing in return.  I did receive some nasty emails about this but I'll ignore them and go on with my life.  You can't please everyone and I don't even try.

Anyway I will email McLibgirl and get her name and address and get this in the mail to her.  I hope she shares a finished picture of it with me when she's done.  

For a laugh

Blessings, Barbara


Marilyn said...

Congrats to McLibgirl!
Some people get a kick out of bashing people.
I thought it was a generous gesture.
LOL, go a kick out of your funny!

Robin in Virginia said...

Congratulations to McLibgirl! I am sorry that you had some hateful emails, Barbara. Loved your funny for today! Enjoy your day!

Barb said...

I was so tempted to be in the drawing. I just have too many things on my plate to stitch right now and I thought it should go to a person who is ready to stitch it. I am so sorry people were unkind! No excuse for that. You were doing the right thing and in addition the kind and generous thing!