Friday, August 30, 2019

Just checking in before this hurricane decides to drop upon us.  We are expecting a lot of person said up to two feet..... but all we can do is wait and hope for the best.  We went shopping today for some last minute items and filled up the gas tank in case we have to leave but I doubt if that will happen.  We are one of the lucky ones who's house sits on the high ground in our development and there's a storm drain at the end of our driveway.  These newer developments that they are building don't have storm drains and I wonder where they think the water is going to go.  Hmmmm.

I made a mistake about little Evelyn.  She wasn't 7 lbs 3 ozs at birth she was 8 lbs 3 ozs.  She was bigger than both boys by over a pound.  Little John was very excited before she was born but now it's like old news and he can't be bothered by her.  LOL  They do make me laugh.

Just to show you how time flies the first picture is of me holding Peyton hours after she was born....

and this next picture is of me holding Evelyn hours after her birth.  I remember Peyton's birth like it was yesterday.  Dang I'm getting old!!!!

I will check back in after we get power back because it's a forgone conclusion that we will lose power.  I hope everyone else who is in Dorian's path makes it thru okay with minimal damage and no damages to body and soul.  Say a prayer for all of us and we will put our trust in God.

Blessings, Barbara


gracie said...

Beautiful babies...stay safe!

marly said...

Hope you and family stay safe. They are predicting Dorian to be huge, but there's always a chance he will lose strength.

Barb said...

What a pretty baby. You will all be in my prayers! I will get the note to you in the mail so I hope the storm will be long past when it arrives.

Marilyn said...

Evelyn is cute.
What great pics & memories of little Peyton, and now Evelyn.
Praying you are all safe from the storm.

LindaLee said...

Praying for all in the path of this hurricane. Hope people do indeed leave if they are told to. We're in NC, but we'll see in the next few days what happens here.

Sweet Sue said...

beautiful pics, thx for sharing. hoping that monster goes back out to sea and that you and others are safe.

Robin in Virginia said...

Evelyn is so precious! Thank you for sharing the photos! Have been thinking of and praying for the people in the hurricane's path. Please take care and be safe!

Bethan said...

Stay safe in the hurricane! Congratulations to you all on the birth of Evelyn x