Sunday, March 24, 2019

Old Things, New Things

I haven't been up to very much because I've been caught up in a British mini series called...

Ripper Street (2012)

It kept me captivated and I just couldn't keep myself from watching it.  It takes place in Victorian England around the turn of the century.  It centers around a place called White Chapel which according to  history wasn't the best place to live.  Jack the Ripper was active at this time and the series revolves around the men on the police force and how this effects their professional and personal lives.  If you love dramas with a twist, you'd love this show.  One word to the caution...British shows are a lot more lenient on what they are allowed to show so be ready for some R rated scenes.  It's available on Netflix.

I thought I would show you some of what we saw at Disney this last time.  Every noon they have a parade down Main Street and we were there to watch it.

This time we had lunch at Tony's Town Square Restaurant where Lady and the Tramp had their famous kiss.  I think Little John liked it but what could go wrong with macaroni and cheese right?  Well I had a 10" pizza that was so thin you could of read thru it and it tasted horrible....price $19.00.  Little John's macaroni and cheese.....$10.00 and Peyton's chicken alfredo.....$22.00 and it was all horrible.  If they want to charge these kind of prices they should at least make the food worthy of the price.

I was sitting in my chair the other day stitching and I happened to look over at my baby and she was zonked.  I'm not sure if I mentioned that our baby is going blind but she is so I had her clipped a little bit shorter around the face so her hair doesn't cover her eyes.  I can't believe she will be 10 years old this coming December.  Time flies by and it's very depressing.

I felt like doing a little sewing so I made some matching bags for my crochet hooks and knitting needles.  These match the drawn string bag I made to hold my yarn cakes while I'm working with them.  I've also started a new shawl as you can see.  This one is made from a yarn that is acrylic and wool and drapes beautifully.  I have about 1100 yards so I'm just going to make it large and use it all up.  I'll probably end up with a blanket. :o)

I'm also working on a new Hands On design called "Chocolate Bunnies".  I'm stitching it with what the designer calls for.....Sulky Cotton which is wonderful to work with.  I'm using one thread over two on 28ct. jobelan and it covers very well.

Well that's about all I've been up to.  I hope wherever you are your weather is improving and Spring is beginning to bloom.  We had two wonderful days this weekend without a cloud in the sky and so blue it hurts your eyes.  I'm not looking forward to summer again but that's the way it goes.  You must take the bad with the good and not complain so much.  Or so my Mother always said.

I will be starting another British mini series tomorrow called The Frankenstein Chronicles starring Sean Bean and we only have 3 weeks for the series finale of Games of Throne.  I've heard some disturbing rumors about the series and how it ends which I hope are not true.  They just cannot kill off Jon Snow!!!!!

Blessings Abound,


Marilyn said...

I like some of the British shows.
Hubby is hooked on The British Baking Show, lol
I like their commercials too.
The parade loks like fun.
Woe, those are some exuberant prices for food that doesn't even taste good!
Vallie looks so sweet.
Great chocolate Bunnies.
Have a great week!

Vickie said...

Wow. The pricing on the Disney food is outrageous! You would at least expect it to taste good!
Dear sweet Vallie. I am sorry she is losing her vision.
I love the Chocolate Bunnies pattern.

diamondc said...

Barbara: I am so sorry about Vallie.
I love your Chocolate Bunny, your stitching is beautiful.
I always leave a remark on Trip Adviser if I have a bad experience, maybe they will get their act together.
I will email you today if I find a Inspirations Magazzine I want.


gracie said...

So bad that they charge such high prices for the food in all of the specialty places especially when it is not good. Hugs for your sweet pooch.

Barb said...

We watch Netflix so I will add that program. Looks like a great day at Disney, too bad about those prices!!

Sweet Sue said...

Hi:) So sorry to learn of Vallie's blindness, she could not be in a more loving home to help her along and care for her. Maybe consider leaving a restaurant review on Yelp. Happy Stitching!