Monday, March 11, 2019

Just had to share...

For those of us who have lost pets...

For my fur friends, I'll see again in heaven! Teddy, Liberty & Scully...

Blessings, Barbara


Barb said...

I have lots of animal allergy so I only had to go through that one time as a child. However, I have seen my dear sister's pain many times. I will send this on to her.

Robin in Virginia said...

Thank you for sharing this, Barbara! Hope all is well with you!

diamondc said...

Barbara: Not being able to have children, and not being able to afford to adopt when we were younger was hard so animals were our children.
It is hard we have lost a few over the years, Verne the Cat lived to be nineteen, that one was the hardest for us.

Thank-you for sharing this.

marly said...

Oh my. When you are dried up and can't shed a tear, crying burns like the dickens.