Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Good afternoon sweet ladies and I hope you are staying cool wherever you are.  It's horrible here in Florida but I think the northeast is even worse.

The update on Peyton is confusing.  The doctor's office called last Thursday and said they were going to put her on medicine that confuses me very much.  Without going in to much detail, this is used for different diseases that have nothing to do with Peyton's symptoms.  They did say that the nerves in her face are inflamed but they don't know why.  She goes to see this doctor tomorrow so maybe she'll get more information.  I don't trust doctors and I would really like her to get a second opinion but she's not in that frame of mind.  I'll keep you updated and again, thank you all for prayers for her well being.  I treasure each and every one of you.

I do have a finish to share.  It's the BBD one that I picked back up when this started with Peyton.  It's called "A Simple Wish" and mine is that she get's an answer to her problem and that it leaves as quickly as it appeared.

I can truthfully say that I love this BBD project more than any of theirs I have done before.  I'm not sure how I will finish it but I'm leaning towards framing.

Today's chuckle:
Blessings, Barbara


Melody A. said...

It's lovely!! will be beautiful no matter how you decide to use it! I hope things improve soon for Peyton. It is plenty hot here too. stay cool. God Bless and take care from Iowa

Barb said...

Very funny! It is all very puzzling about Peyton. I can only pray that she will be all better very soon. That is such a pretty design! No matter how you finish it I'm sure you will enjoy it.

Terri Patillo said...

My prayers for Peyton that she will be healed and comforted.

marly said...

I hope she gets more information if they can't give answers. A friends' wife had something similar and could not be diagnosed until she went to Cleveland Clinic. Very strange. Her large facial nerve on the side of her head is getting pressure from an artery. She now receives injections and the treatments are helping greatly. Hopefully Peyton's answers will be soon and remedied. Thanks for the update.

Marilyn said...

Love the BB piece, so pretty.
Continued prayers for Peyton, hope she gets some answers soon.
Gotta love Maxine!!

Vickie said...

I hope she soon feels relief with the medicine. I will continue to pray. Your finished piece is so pretty Barbara.

MartinaM said...

Hi Barb,
A great motive that you are just stitching.
All the best for Peyton, I pray for her, and hope that she will soon feel better.
Greetings Martina

Robin in Virginia said...

Continuing to pray for Peyton -- for better information and answers along with healing.

Your BBD piece looks super, Barbara.