Peyton and John invited us to go with them to De Leon Springs but the only bad part was that we had to be at their house at 7 am. Ugh!!!!
This is the old sugar mill which they have turned into a restaurant but only for breakfast. You would not believe the line of cars waiting to get into this. The attraction is their pancakes. All you can eat and you make them yourselves on grilles in the middle of the table.
They are soooo good. The batter comes out of the container very, very lumpy but there are no lumps in the pancakes after you make them. That one stumps the cook in me because I can't figure out how they do this.
There is swimming, canoeing, snorkeling and all kinds of fun water stuff to do but as always...this is Florida.
Watch where you tread.
A pretty little waterfall. I only stuck my toes in the water but let me tell you, it was freezing since it's fed by a spring. Water is very clear and inviting but not for this old lady. I'll stick to dry land and keep my butt dry thank you very much.
No trip is complete without a picture of Little John waiting for his pancakes. I think he ate more than I did. I swear that child has hollow legs.
Hope you have a Blessed Sunday,