Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Some Updates

I hope all of my northern US friends have made it through this last blast of arctic air and are now basting in the warmer temperatures.  We had some cold ones down here but nothing like you guys had.  Brrrrrrr

I've made some good progress on Joseph and I feel confident that this series I just might finish.  LOL  I've begun two other ones and lost interest pretty quick but this one is keeping me going.

I'm loving the colors Vicki has used in these but I'm waiting till the end to pick out the backing fabric.  I want something that goes with all of them.

I finished my Pioneer Woman shawl and I think I'm going to add it to my Etsy store.  I don't wear alot of lavenders or purples but I really do love this yarn.  You see the stripe of solid lavender?  That's a ball of yarn I've had for about 5 years and just couldn't find anything to add it to until this shawl.  It's a yarn called Luxuria Air Lace weight and it's composed of 40% possum, 40% cashmere goat and 20% silk.  It is so soft I wish I could of made of entire shawl of it but at $29.00 for only 191 yards, I just can't afford it but I thought it looked really nice in this shawl.

Then I went and splurged on a new knitting/crochet tote.  This one is from Namaste and I found it on Jimmy Beans website.  I love it!  The top inside is magnetic so it holds your pattern or scissors as shown.  It's 12 inches long by  6.5 inches wide  so it holds my work in progress with ease.  It's a beautiful dark grey leather and I'm sure I'll get many years usage out of it.

......and I started a new shawl called "Custard Cream".  It's to be found on Ravelry here.

Hopefully within the next few days I'll be placing more patterns in my Etsy store.  I'm really going thru my stash aggressively and cleaning house.  It's time to get real about what I can and cannot finish in my lifetime.  So check back in a few days and there might be something you're looking for.

Blessings Upon All,


Barb said...

Joseph is coming along very well!

marly said...

Oh the Pioneer Woman is beautiful!! Such a soft color but the design is very nice also.

We all have more patterns than we can accomplish in a lifetime +20 years! But keeping them gives us a nice variety to choose from!

Robin in Virginia said...

Barbara, your lavender shawl is gorgeous and the new one is looking good. You have made good progress on Joseph.

Marilyn said...

Great progress on Joseph.
Oooo, I bet that shawl is sooooo soft!

Barb said...

You are just so talented with your needles Barbara, I love the shawl and the colours,my sort of colours. Joseph is progressing nicely and I will keep alook out for your stash sale. Hugs to Vallie and you . xx

Vickie said...

Joseph is looking good. And that shawl is gorgeous Barbara.

diamondc said...

Hi Barbara: Joseph is looking lovely, such beautiful colors.
I am loving your shawl, the colors are beautiful together.
I am looking for a certain magazine but will keep my eyes open.
