Friday, September 7, 2018

A finish

Hello you wonderful group of stitchers and readers.  I hope you are ready for the weekend and have lots of fantastic plans or maybe just a quiet weekend at home.  Tomorrow I have plans on going to the farmers market in Winter Garden.  I've never been to this one so it should be fun.  I usually go to one closer to home in Winter Park.  I was there last Saturday and bought some Mango cheese.  I cannot tell you in words how delicious this was with some crackers.  I love Mango's and to have it added to cheese was just the top of the line.  I'll be sure to let you know what I find at the one tomorrow.

My finish is the Button Posie by The Scarlett House.  This worked up pretty quickly and I really do like it better on a darker fabric.  I added some black buttons for the center of the 3 posies and mounted it on a wooden plaque with a pretty red fabric behind it.  The fabric that I stitched it on is a little darker than what it shows in the pictures and it's called Copper Penny 28ct. Jobelan.

Our sweet grand daughter's birthday is this coming Sunday and with the health issues she's been having, we decided to give her her present a little earlier.  She grew up in the age of Harry Potter and has been the most enthusiastic reader of J.K. Rowlings books.  She has the basic t shirts, movies and such and we wanted to get her something that would take her mind off her problems and keep her interested and her mind busy.  Well we hit on it perfectly.  Lego came out with a new Harry Potter Castle kit  on September 1st and I was on the computer that morning ordering it.  We received it within 3 days.  The kit has over 6,000 pieces and there are over 30 bags of pieces and 4 books of instructions.  Here is what it looks like in the box.
Needless to say the box is quite heavy.  We gave it to her early and she started it last nite.  This is the latest progress picture she has sent me.
She is building it on her kitchen table and where it goes from there we haven't figured out yet.  There are moving parts (the stairs move) and the windows are stained glass.  She wants to put lights inside so it really shows off the stained glass windows.  This kit is pricey but I love that she is enjoying this and it keeps her mind busy and Little John is loving this all come together.  I will show a finished picture when she has it completed.

By the way, you'll find the pattern for the Button Posies in my store.

❤️ love
Blessings, Barbara


marly said...

Mango cheese? What?

Great gift. Can't imagine the time involved in its construction, but what a finish it will be.

I do like the Copper Penny.

MartinaM said...

Hi Barb, I would like to try mango cheese, I like both, and it sounds delicious.
It's a great pattern, and I like the idea with the buttons very well.
My daughter likes Harry Potter too, and I have not seen such a model of Lego yet, you realize that she likes it.
Hugs Martina