2015 Finishes

Monday, March 4, 2013

Why does this happen?

You go to bed at night all excited about the next day and what stitching you'll be doing but you wake up the next morning deciding you don't like anything you're working on.  Are there fairies that come at night and make your work less attractive?  Do they sprinkle fairy dust on all of your projects so that every time you look at them you're bored with them?  Whatever it is, it's happened to me.....again!  So I guess everything will come to a halt until I figure out what is in store for me.  Speaking of store.....my LNS emailed me and said I have things there waiting for me.  I don't even care about them! 
If you need me I'll be taking a nap!!!!
Blessings, Barbara


  1. My brain seems to go the other way. In the evening, I'm tired and nothing seems appealing. In the light of day, I'm ready to go!

  2. Hi Barbara,
    I think we all pass through periods like that!
    It seems to me that you're going through a difficult period for the moment and it's normal that you don't feel like stitching!
    Put it away and you'll see that you'll be interested again within a couple of months :-)
    Kind greetings,

  3. I was thinking exactly what Charlene said! I am praying for your husband and you.♥

  4. I'm sure you just have way too much on your mind. Praying for peace for you and healing for your husband.

  5. Time to just veg and read a good book, till something occurs to you! Hugs and prayers for you and hubby!

  6. I had one of those days today. It's not the first time either. I usually pick up my book and get engrossed in reading for a few days. When I return to my stitching I seem to know just what to do.

  7. You are worrying about your DH Barbara, my thoughts and prayers are with you.


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